Air Quality Assessments

Regardless of industry or sector, it is a company’s legal obligation to provide a safe working environment for employees.

Workplace Air Assessment

“We spend a lot of time thinking about what we eat and what we drink, but very little on the quality of what we breathe - despite our air intake being many times greater than the amount of food and drink we consume.

The average adult, when resting, inhales and exhales about 13kg of air per day. We eat around 2kg of food and drink and about 3kg of fluids each day - yet health advice on eating and drinking is all around us.

We breathe a lot and among all those breaths are some very nasty particles and gases. Pollution may be the invisible health threat, but that doesn't mean it isn't real - and now millions of people are wearing face coverings! Why? Because they are now more aware of airborne health threats.

The invisible threat made visible.

Air pollution is one of the biggest health problems we face today. Figures from Public Health England show that in the UK, pollution causes between 24,000 and 36,000 every year!

According to the Government, air pollution is the fourth biggest killer after cancer, obesity and heart disease.

Unfortunately, being indoors at home or work doesn’t protect you from polluted air. In the UK, we spend a large proportion of our time indoors -the most common estimate is around 90% of our day.

So indoor air quality (IAQ) has a significant impact on our wellbeing.

Solutions at SWL Services.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that employers should take the steps outlined below to investigate the possible causes of Sick Building Syndrome:

Risk assessment and advise.

Carry out an employee survey, the survey may identify obvious causes that can be easily fixed

  • We can complete full air quality assessment complete with guidence

  • Check the general cleanliness of the building

  • Check that cleaning materials are being properly used and stored

  • Check the general operation of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system

Let us help.

Our air quality assessments performed by our specialist consultants identifies any hazardous levels complete with route cause of any unwanted smells.

  • Dust and particulate levels

  • Viable bacterial levels (CFU)

  • Viable airborne fungal levels (CFU)

  • Volatile organic compounds levels

  • Formaldehyde levels

  • Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide

  • Temperature, humidity

Book our consultants to complete assessment complete with strategies to improve air quality within your building.


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